A JOURNEY OF SPIRIT comes to Massachusetts
Even while you and the family enjoy the sun and surf of Cape Cod, you can learn something about Jewish music. Next month on August 12, 2006, Ann Coppel, producer of “A Journey of Spirit,” a documentary about Debbie Friedman, will show the documentary in Hyannis, MA at Cape Cod Synagogue. Check the synagogue website for more info: www.ccsynagogue.org
A JOURNEY OF SPIRIT has been traveling the country, coast to coast, the past
couple of months including screenings in Minneapolis at Shir
Tikvah, the Manhattan JCC (which Debbie attended to lead the post-film discussion), Falmouth
Jewish Congregation in Massachusetts and Beth Am in Los Altos Hills, California. Now it’s returning to Cape Cod and you can see it there August 12. http://www.ccsynagogue.org/aboutus/directions/
Call for time and more information.…