Abrams, Harriett

Harriet Abrams as Silvia in Cymon

English. Composer and soprano. Born,(ca) 1758. Died, 1822. Studied with Thomas Arne. Stage debut in October, 1775 in May Day as little gypsy. She appeared in London concerts, provincial festivals, and a series of Handel Commemoration concerts in 1784. Charles Burney praised “the sweetness and taste of her singing.” Composed vocal works. She also wrote two- and three-part songs. Occasionally her sisters sang with her. Haydn presided at the piano for her benefit concerts held in 1792, 1794 and 1795. She organized the Ladies Concerts, held in the private houses of their aristocratic lady directors, in the early 1790s. More information is available in the Norton/Grove’s Dictionary of Women Composers.

Paulina Achkinaz-Shepherd