Seder Songs 2 CD set by URJ
URJ has a special 2 CD set for Passover. You can learn the tunes… some songs for very young children are included, so there’s something for everyone, including modern and ‘traditional’ songs. Seder Songs features 22 fantastic tunes for the Passover seder. The collection includes some of the most tried-and-true traditional melodies from both Ashkenazi and Sephardi traditions, as well as the newest contemporary settings from artists like Peter and Ellen Allard, Noah Budin, Max Chaiken, Eric Komar, Steven Sher and Peri Smilow. The collection includes a variety of songs tailored to children as well as offerings for adults of all ages. A variety of singers and voices break up the album for more enjoyable listening and learning.
Seder Songs includes an innovative approach for its use in a contemporary home or modern seder setting.…