Monthly Archives: July 2009

Eyal Maoz Upcoming Club Events

Lots of music in the City!
Great night of four concerts –
Best indie/new wave/avantgarde of NYC
Thursday, August 13 at 9 PM till 1 AM
9 PM Queening
10 PM Martin Bisis’s band
11 PM Eyal Maoz’s Edom (Tzadik Records) at
12 AM Prayertown
Only $5 for the whole night.
venue: Coco 66 . Address : 66 Greenpoint Av Brooklyn (between Franklin and West St.)
New York 11222 718-389-7392 917-807-6045.

About Eyal Maoz’s Edom (Tzadik Records. Listen at
Where Avant-Garde meets New Wave, and echoes of Joy Division are counterposed with
Zorn’s Electric Masada, begins the rocking odyssey of Edom.

Eyal Maoz – guitar
Brian Marsella – keyboards
Shanir Blumenkranz – bass
Yuval Lion – drums

Eyal Maoz’s Edom (Tzadik records) live at Pianos
Sunday, August 16th, at 11PM at Pianos
158 Ludlow St (at Stanton St.)
New York, NY 10002
(212) 505-3733
No cover.…

” Le MANIFESTE ” – Mouvement pour une Paix juste et durable

” Le MANIFESTE ” – Mouvement pour une Paix juste et durable –
vous informe :

Concert exceptionnel de Daniel Barenboïm et l’orchestre
West-Eastern Divan (120 musiciens venus de tout le Proche-Orient)/
Plus d’info :

Vendredi 7 août 2009 à 20h30
Victoria Hall de Genève
Ouverture des portes à 19h30
Programme :
Franz Liszt Les Préludes, Poème symphonique
Richard Wagner Prélude et Mort d’Isolde

Hector Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
Dans le cadre des concerts de la Ville de Genève
en collaboration avec ” le Manifeste ”
L’orchestre West-Eastern Divan, fondé par Daniel Barenboïm et Edward Saïd
fête ses 10 ans d’existence cet été.
Vente de billets :
Location au guichet
Alhambra, rue de la Rôtisserie 10, lu-ve 10h-18h, sa 10h-17h Tél : 0800
418 418
Arcade d’information de la Ville de Genève, Pont de la Machine 1
lu-ve 12h-17h30, ma-ve 9h-17h30, sa 10h-16h30
Genève-Tourisme, rue du Mont-Blanc 18 lu 10h-18h, ma-sa 9h-18h, di 10h-16h
Location sur place une heure avant chaque concert

Prix des places : Frs 35.- 45.-
Billets de soutien (nombre de places limitées) à frs.…

Up On The Roof: Divahn at JCC in NYC

Thu, Jul 23, 2009
8:00 PM
An all female band led by Galeet Dardashti takes over the JCC’s rooftop with their lyric, rhythmic and energetic grooves which redefine Middle Eastern and Sephardic music with a sophisticated 21st century sound, an international flair with music in Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, Aramaic, Ladino, and Turkish.

$8.00 Member
$10.00 Non-Member

Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.)
: For tix click here or
please call 646-505-5708.


July 25 6:00 p.m. the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE, GM Theater, Charles H. Wright
Museum of African American History, 315 East Warren Ave, Detroit, MI 48201
For more info about the event or to order tickets please visit: Or call the museum:

Sunday, July 26 the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE, Bicentennial Park in Olympia
Fields, Illinois, under a huge tent, 3-6 pm for more information please call
708-799-4364 or send e-mails to Please
visit the web site for more info:

Tuesday, August 4, 7:30 p.m., the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE, Arsenal Center
for the Arts, 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown, Massachusetts for more
information please call 617-923-0100 or visit

TOHU veBOHU Musique klezmer et arabo-andalouse

Dimanche 19 juillet 2009 à 20h15
Ancien Palace de Caux sur Montreux (VD)
Entrée libre, collecte.
Informations: Initiatives & Changement
Tél: 021 961 91 11

“Au début, la terre n’était que tohu-bohu; les ténèbres étaient sur la
face de l’abîme…” C’est dans ce tohu-bohu que jaillit la lumière et que
débuta la création du monde, dans lequel l’homme reçut pour commandement
de mettre de l’ordre. De nos jours, les guerres, les génocides, les
injustices, les épurations ethniques, les violations de la dignité et des
droits humains sont autant de preuves que la mission de l’homme sur la
Terre n’est pas achevée !

Pour aller -modestement- dans ce sens, le projet Tohu veBohu rassemble
des musiciens d’origine culturelle et religieuse juive et arabe. Il
montre qu’une coexistence musicale et amicale est possible et que, à
défaut de changer le monde, la connaissance de “l’autre” peut nous aider
à nous changer nous-mêmes, à progresser vers la compréhension, la
tolérance et la paix.…


Manhattan’s City Winery –Sunday klezmer brunch, 8/9/2009
East Hampton Guild Hall — Thursday evening full octet, 8/20/2009

Nomination & grant support news too:
Just Plain Folks Music Awards final round for our “Traveling Show” CD
& Sparkplug Foundation for “J. Edgar Klezmer: Songs from My
Grandmother’s FBI Files”
Read on….

Ilana Cravitz workshop in Cambridge

Sunday 19 July
Klezmer Workshop
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Ilana Cravitz (fiddle),teaches klezmer tunes and style, including modes,
ornamentation and accompaniment, and even few dance steps.

Cost: £13
To register email Marc Jackson on or call him on 07846
379 370

9-14 August

KlezFest London
SOAS, Vernon Square campus, Kings Cross, London

A fantastic week of playing, singing and dancing. Includes workshops, jams,
a tribute evening on 10 August for Jim Marcovitch (see and a concert at the Jazz Cafe (12
August). See for more details.

Sunday 6 September
Simcha in the Park
Regents Park, London

An opportunity to dance with Ilana Cravitz and Guy Schalom all afternoon to
the UK’s foremost klezmer bands. See for more details.

Free event …

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express Thursday

New York–
Free and outdoors, 12:30 to 1:30 pm, 2nd Ave and 10th St.
Come see Alicia and her band for free! A presentation of the Third
Street Music School Settlement’s Music in Abe Lebewohl Park concert
series. Featuring Aaron Alexander, drums, Brian Glassman, bass, and
Patrick Farrell, accordion.

In front of St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery at 10th St. and 2nd Ave. NY
Concert held rain or shine — in case of rain it moves onto the
portico of the church.

Click here for more info about the
Abe Lebewohl concert series

For more about Alicia, visit her website

Mamlok and Greenbaum at City Winery

Come July 12! Hear an old familiar song or two…

“A narrated program of famous klezmer clarinetists throughout history,
with fascinating tales of woe and plenty of humor!
This event features Klezical Tradition’s own phenom clarinetist,
Walter Mamlok, who will be joined by founder
and leader, Adrianne Greenbaum on accordion and keyboard and a bisl

City Winery

155 Varick Street (between Spring and Vandam Streets)
New York, New York 10013

By Subway: 1 / 9 to Houston Street or Canal Street; C / E to Spring
By Bus: M20 downtown or uptown, M6 uptown, M21 crosstown



The final two concerts of The Jewish Museum’s popular
SummerNights series are on Thursday evenings, July 16 and 23. On July
16, SLAVIC SOUL PARTY! performs virtuosic new brass band music
incorporating diverse influences, and on July 23, Ljova and the
Kontraband offer a mix of Eastern-European melodies, Latin rhythms and
jazz-inspired improvisations. Concerts begin at 7:30 pm. The Jewish
Museum is located at Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, Manhattan.

Tickets for each concert are $15 for the general public; $12
for students and seniors; and $10 for Jewish Museum members. For
further information regarding programs at The Jewish Museum, the public
may call 212.423.3337 or visit

KlezCalifornia Upcoming July events

Put these exciting July events on your calendar now:

Sunday, July 12, 4:00-6:00pm, Festival volunteer get-together, for those interested in helping next February’s Yiddish Culture Festival. Palo Alto. (Read story in Newsletter)

Sunday, July 19, 2:00-4:00pm, Yidishe Salon far flisik reders. If you can understand and participate in conversations conducted exclusively in Yiddish, email for information on this Salon, which will be held in Berkeley.

Saturday, July 25, 5:00-7:00pm, Klezmakers dinner concert and dancing at Vasona Lake Park in Los Gatos.

To get the full story Click here for KlezCalifornia Newsletter

London in August IZ YIDISH UN KLEZ

Sunday 2 – Friday 7 August
Ot Azoy! This is the way – to Speak, Read and Write Yiddish in a week!
JMI famous crash course in Yiddish language and culture for beginners to advanced students
SOAS, University of London
Details and Registration 020 8909 2445
Presented by the Jewish Music Institute


Sunday 9 – Friday 14 August
JMI KlezFest London

A week-long intensive, inspiring and fun-packed Summer School of traditional Eastern European Jewish music, song and dance for professionals and amateurs (grade 5 and above) of all ages and backgrounds. Focus on how to teach klezmer music and dance; playing in ensembles and learning by ear. Students can mix and match between playing, dancing and singing. Performances led by students and professionals at SOAS, Kings Cross Station, the Jazz Café and local bars.…

Music In Jewish Education at Gratz College

Music In Jewish Education
Monday July 27 – Friday, July 31
Dr. Marsha Bryan Edelman, Professor of Music and Education

Discover ways music can be used to enhance the teaching of Bible, holidays, history, Israel, Jewish values and Hebrew. Explore methods and materials for using music in formal and informal settings and at different age levels. If you love Jewish music, this class is for you, whether you’re an experienced musician or a general classroom teacher.

Take this class for the love of learning, to earn credit toward licensure, or to begin an academic program leading to a career in Jewish music.
For more information

Women’s Klezmer Summit (Not for Women Only!)

Come for a day, or come for the week! July 5-10
At Circle Lodge, Workmen’s Circle’s famed adult lodge adjacent to
historic Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County NY.

Featuring leaders of the klezmer and new Yiddish song revivals:
violinist Alicia Svigals, vocalist Adrienne Cooper, trumpeter Susan
Watts, drummer/film historian Eve Sicular, vocalist Shauna Kanter,
and more.

To reserve call 845.221-2771 ext. 110, check out the link at or email

Each day begins with a voice workshop conducted by Shauna Kanter of
the famed Voice Theater Workshop. Catch daily lectures, panels,
concerts, and hands-on workshops and coaching on klezmer history and
making new Yiddish music personal – from Eve’s J. Edgar Klezmer and
her famed Yiddish Celluloid Closet lec/dem on the gay subtext in
Yiddish film to Alicia’s Klezmer Unfettered, amazing collaborations
and road stories, to Susan Watt’s wild tales of klezmer family life,
and Adrienne’s legendary Memoir of Gluckl of Hameln and her Every
Mother’s Son antiwar song concert.…

Zamir Chorale of Boston at NAJCF

Zamir will help kick off the
festivities on opening night of the 20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
at the Hudson Valley Resort and Spa in Kerhonkson, NY. Congratulations to Mati Lazar
and the Zamir Choral Foundation on two decades of bringing Jewish choral music to
musicians from all over the United States. For more information, go to

Koleinu in Boston

Koleinu, Boston s Jewish Community Chorus, was founded in 2002 by Hazzan Scott
, of the Jewish Music Institue of Hebrew College, and by Larry Kozinn to
provide a place open to all to learn, sing and perform Jewish choral music. Carol
, known for her work in Jewish choral music, is the founding Artistic

Since that time, Koleinu has given concerts for enthusiastic audiences at synagogues
all around Greater Boston, at Hebrew College and annually at Hebrew Senior Life. In
the fall of 2009, Koleinu represented Boston at an historic concert in Providence,
RI, marking the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht a sold-out, multimedia production
that featured 200 adult and youth voices, full orchestra, and narration by Leonard
Nimoy. In the spring of 2008, Koleinu spearheaded Voices Raised Against Violence,
a collaborative concert of Jewish and Gospel music, to benefit an anti-violence and
leadership development program for Boston s youth.…