The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

For classical music studies in Jerusalem which include two orchestras, dance troupes, choirs, masterclasses, workshops for Baroque, contemporary music, chamber music, opera and many more…. “The unique character of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance lies in its three constituent institutions: the Academy, the Academy High School and the Conservatory.” At the Academy, one hundred and sixty professors, teachers, and artists are responsible for training more than 600 students, who study for the Bachelor and Master degrees in music, dance and music education. Some 550 students are currently studying at the Conservatory. The Academy High School is situated in the new Younes and Soraya Nazarian Building on the Givat Ram Campus adjacent to the Academy’s main building in Jerusalem. Telephone 02 -5619443, 02-5618881.Fax: 02-5630537.