American. composer. Recent CD of orchestral music called Piping the Earth, just released on Capstone Records (CPS 8727). Her Shapirit, Yefehfiah (Beautiful Dragonfly) was performed in January, 2005 by the New York Treble Singers in New York. Currently, Judith Shatin is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Music and Director of the Virginia Center for Computer Music of the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia. She founded the VCCM in 1988. Prof. Shatin received a AB from Douglass College, 1971, a MM from Julliard in 1974 and the MFA 1976 and PhD from Princeton in 1979. She started teaching at the University of Virginia in 1979 and has been there since. Her awards, commissions and prizes are numerous, spanning over 25 years of accomplishment and are listed on her website at the University of Virginia. They include, among so many others, a residency at the MacDowell Colony, several fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, and a nomination by American Academy and Institute of Arts & Letters. She serves on the Advisory Board, International Alliance for Women in Music, since 1999, Board of Directors, American Composers Alliance since 1994 and was President, American Women Composers, Inc. 1989-1993. Dr. Shatin has written numerous scores with Jewish themes. Among them are:
Nun, Gimel, Hei, Shin, a three-part Hanukah Round, published by Colla Voce Music (http://www.collavoce.com/site/index.lasso) , and recorded on A Hanukah Celebration, on the Miliken Series, on Naxos 8.559410.
Adonai Ro’i, an a capella SATB setting, in Hebrew, of Psalm 23, published by Warner Bros (http://www.music44.com/X/), and recorded by the New York Concert Singers conducted by Judith Clurman, on Divine Grandeur, New World Records, 80504-2.
Chai Variations, a set of 18 Variations for piano on Eliahu Ha Navi, available from Wendigo Music
Elijah’s Chariot, for string quartet and electronics, commissioned and toured by Kronos Quartet, and available from MMB Music (http://www.mmbmusic.com/)
and; Songs of War and Peace (SATB + Piano), a setting of four Israeli poems on the subject of war and peace, in translation by outstanding American poets.
Photos used by permission. Photo Credit Peter Schaaf. http://www.judithshatin.com/