American cantor. Currently serves Temple Shearith Israel, Ridgefield, CT. Newest CDs are Jewish Soul andSacred Spirit. Cantor Katchko states: “As a fourth generation cantor and the second female in a conservative pulpit (1981), I am passionate about sharing the love of Jewish music I grew up with. In l982 I founded the Women Cantors’ Network to share that love with others- we have grown to over 300 members with annual conferences, newsletters, online discussions, and web site: www.womencantors.net. In addition, I credit my mentor, Prof. Elie Wiesel, for instilling in me a profound love of Jewish culture and sense of responsibility in sharing it. As a mother of four sons and full time cantor since l981, I have tried to instill a sense of Jewish pride and love of music in everything I do.” Cantor Katchko has a discography which includes In Celebration of Israel Independence Day on cassette; Spirited and Soulful on cassette; Jewish Soul, a CD; (also available digitally online) andKinderSongs, a CD. Both CDs are available through Tara Music. She can be contacted through CantorDKG@aol.com