Cantor Judy Greenfeld is the founder and spiritual leader of the Nachshon Minyan (www.nachshonminyan.org) in Encino, California. Cantor Judy Greenfeld did her undergraduate work at the University of Arizona and received her ordination as well as a Master s Degree in Jewish Sacred Music from the Academy for Jewish Religion, California (www.ajrca.org), a pluralistic rabbinical and cantorial seminary based in Los Angeles. Cantor Greenfeld is the co-author (with Dr. Tamar Frankiel) of two books, Minding the Temple of the Soul and Entering the Temple of Dreamswhich detail a new approach to Jewish prayer through movement and meditation. She has lectured and taught movement and prayer at retreats and synagogues around the United States. One of the highlights of Cantor Greenfeld’s work with the Nachshon Minyan includes authoring a prayer book which reflects a blending of Conservative and Reform traditions. It will be published by the Ktav Publishing House in 2007 and will be accompanied by a CD now in production. Her latest CD, “When You Lie Down and When You Rise Up: Jewish prayers to begin and end your day in a meaningful way” features original music for evening and morning prayers. A resident of Encino, she is married to Michael Greenfeld and is the proud mother of Samantha and David. Cantor Greenfeld can be reached atCGC1@aol.com. More information about her CD can be found at: