Adrienne Cooper, one of the great vocal interpreters of Yiddish music, Dan
Rosengard, pianist/arranger, late of Saturday Night Live, & Frank London,
famed trumpetter/Klezmatics/ All-Star Brass Band bring to life the
extraordinary cabaret music of war-time Eastern Europe.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
8 pm
Admission $15
at S A T A L L A
37 West 26th St. NYC
In the Nazi-mandated ghettos during World War II, audiences gathered in makeshift clubs and theaters to hear newly-created songs, rooted in Jewish folk
song, European cabaret, American jazz and Argentine tango. Jewish
performers tuned these cosmopolitan songs in a local key: satirical and
elegiac, political and personal, angry and heartsick, creating something
scarcely conceivable: art at the edge of the abyss.