Monthly Archives: April 2014

Tribute to Israel at JTS

JTS and the Guild of Temple Musicians will host A Tribute to Israel, a free choral concert in honor of Yom Ha’atzma’ut, State of Israel Independence Day, on Sunday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m. at JTS. The program will feature the choruses of the H. L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music of JTS, conducted by Hazzan David F. Tilman, adjunct assistant professor of Hazzanut, and Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, conducted by Joyce Rosenzweig, adjunct instructor of Music at JTS and artist-in-residence at HUC.

The centerpiece will be the world premiere of “Hallel for Children’s and Adult Choirs” by Michael Summa (RS ’17), the winning piece in the Guild of Temple Musicians’ 2014 Young Composer’s Award; Mr.…

IJMF Accepting Competition Applications

Have you already applied for the 4th International Jewish Music
Competition? Deadline on May 1!
,br /
The International Jewish Music competition will be held September 13
– 16, 2014 in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ and the Uilenburger
Synagogue in the heart of Amsterdam. This is the world’s most
significant launching pad for professional Jewish musical
ensembles… of the 80 ensembles that have participated since 2008,
most have experienced a boost in their careers, and more than half of
the participants in the last competition won cash prizes, concert
bookings and/or recording contracts.

On our website you
will find all information on how to enter the competition and the
conditions here: . The
deadline for applying is May 1, 2014.…

Anat Fort in Jerusalem

Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 23 2014, Anat Fort will be taking a trip to Jerusalem, to perform a project she’s been dreaming about for nearly ten years. Anat has arranged some of the most beautiful songs that were written by Natan Alterman and composed by Sasha Argov. Alterman is one of Israel’s most prominent poets, and Argov is one of its key musical figures. The show will feature a great team of players PLUS video art. Tickets are going fast…please join Anat tomorrow as this will be special!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 23rd at 9PM
W/Amos Hoffman-guitar and oud, Yorai Oron-bass, Shay Zelman-drums, Tamar Singer-video art and special guest-Daphne Armony-voice!
Beit Avi Chai
44 King George St.
For those of you who cannot make it, you can watch here LIVE here:

Zamir Boston Elijah Rocks

Monday, May 19, 7:30 pm, “Elijah Rocks” at Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA:

Reserve your tickets now for our season finale, “Elijah Rocks.” This multimedia presentation will bring to life some of the great stories from the Bible. Experience the creation of the world, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Moses and the exodus, Joshua at the walls of Jericho, Elijah with the fiery chariot, Shadrach in the furnace, and more. Special guest: the incomparable singer/songleader Nick Page. This year, Zamir is delighted to honor Charles Coe, noted poet and arts advocate; and Heather Zacker, Zamir alumna extraordinaire and healthcare executive. For tickets: or contact: