Kol Halev Choir from Ann Arbor Michigan

Kol Halev Choir from Ann Arbor MI Thanks to Kol Halev Choir, led by Cantor Annie Rose for sending JMWC a copy of their video of their 2004 Eastern European Tour. It’s a delightful 16 minute film showing the joy of Jewish community members hearing the choir sing in Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, and trying out Bulgarian and Romanian. Kol Halev went on a tour of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece singing to very appreciative audiences. The filmmakers share a short chat, also included in the DVD. Kol Halev is also planning to release a DVD of their journey to Argentina. This film shows once again that Jewish music carries in it the seeds of joy, community, memory and bonding. Their website is located at: http://www.kohalevfilms.org.