Jewish Composers may submit Peformance Requests

An open letter from the American Society for Jewish Music:

Dear Jewish music composer:

The American Society for Jewish Music would like to consider your music for performance at its annual concert at the Center for Jewish History in New York City on Monday, June 2nd, 2008. Your music will be given a first-class performance in a prominent New York venue. Please submit by November 16, 2007 one vocal work for one or two solo voices with keyboard or small chamber ensemble accompaniment. Pieces should be about 4-10 minutes long and well-crafted. (The majority of the committee has a preference for “Art Music.”) The piece should have some sort of Jewish musical, thematic or textual content, and the composer must be living or working in the U.S.

Please send score and recording (CD or Cassette) to:

Dr. Eliott Kahn, Music Archivist
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Feel free to contact me with questions.