Israeli & Ernest Bloch Music Competition 2012

Applications are now open for the Israeli Music Competition and the Ernest Bloch Music Competition.

The Israeli Music Competition was begun in 2008 and aims to familarise both professionals and students with the fascinating styles of Israeli music – a rich tapestry of sounds which produce a musical blend without equal; a fusion of Western musical idioms such as Klezmer (brought over with the first immigrants in the 1880s), and Eastern traditions brought by Jews from Arab countries.

The Ernest Bloch Music Competition was begun in 2009. Ernest Bloch (24 July 1880 – 15 July 1959) was a Swiss-born, American-Jewish composer and, since the 50th anniversary of his death was commemorated in 2009, the addition of the Ernest Bloch Music Competition to the Israeli Music Competition has drawn much worldwide interest. It has therefore been decided to make the Ernest Bloch Music Competition a regular part of the Israeli Music Competition.

Each competitor is asked to play a prescribed classical composition, a piece of their own choice, as well as an Israeli piece for the Israeli Music Competition and a piece by Bloch for the Ernest Bloch Competition.

The first prize for the Israeli Music Competition is:

  • ¬£1,500
  • a concert and live recording (including a lightly edited “auditorium-cum-studio” master CD) at the Jerusalem Music Centre
  • a recital in one of London‚Äôs top venues sponsored by the JMI

The second prize for the Israeli Music Competition is:

  • a performance with the London International Orchestra

Ernest Bloch Music Competition
The first prize for the Ernest Bloch Music Competition is

  • ¬£1000>
  • a recital in one of London‚Äôs top venues sponsored by the JMI