A fantastic exhibit of videos of an interview with Yehudi Wyner about his father Lazar Weiner. An absolutely delightful set of clips from an interview by Hankus Netzsky with Yehudi Wyner. Part of the Wexler Oral History Project.
These are a “must see” for those interested in American music, synagogue music or Yiddish art music.
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About the Yiddish Book Center: “The Yiddish Book Center is a non-profit organization working to tell the whole Jewish story by rescuing, translating and disseminating Yiddish books and presenting innovative educational programs that broaden understanding of modern Jewish identity.
Saving a million Yiddish books was just the beginning. Our priority now is to advance knowledge of the content and literary and cultural progeny of the books we’ve saved.
We offer fellowships and courses for high school students, college students and adults.
We translate Yiddish literature into English.
We record oral histories and contemporary stories.
After three decades, we’ve emerged as one of the world’s largest, liveliest and most original Jewish organizations.
Read our story and watch A Bridge of Books, a brief documentary about the Center’s work.”