YUVAL Italia – (Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica), was founded in January 1997, in Milan, Italy. Its fundamental purpose is to provide written and aural documentation of Jewish musical traditions, particularly those in Italy. It holds a Library and a Sound Archive, and provides contacts to musicians and music festivals throughout the country. The Center, founded with the aid of Professor Israel Adler, is the first of its kind in Italy and operates in collaboration with the Jewish Music Research Center of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. YUVAL Italia is currently directed by Dr.Francesco Spagnolo. YUVAL produces a weekly live radio show from Radio Popolare, Milan.
E-mail: yuval@powerlink.it.
For more information you may write to the following address:
YUVAL Italia –Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica
via della Guastalla, 19
20122 Milano, ITALY.
tel/fax +39 02 55014977