Syracuse University Press, 2002. 305pp. ill. CD.
Introduction on pp. xv-xxix.

Subtitle reads: “110 Songs in 16 Languages with Extensive Historical Notes, Illustrations, Piano Arrangements, Guitar Chords and Singable English translations. Includes a CD of 14 Songs”.
The songs are in “Yiddish, German, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Ladino, Greek, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Hungarian and English.” Texts appear in each language’s transliteration and English translations. An introduction to each song is given. Often there are illlustrations or other documentation that accompany a song. Histories of the songs are given if known. Authors of texts and composers are attributed when known.
An announcement about this book on HaSafran from Aviva Astrinsky states that this is “a major collection of Holocaust music. Most of the songs have never appeared in print before. Over 300 pages.
The book is divided into three main sections:
- The Gathering Storm: 1933-1939
- Shoah: 1940 – 1945
- Kaddish: A Post-War Retrospective
…. Contact Jerry Silverman ( or 914-478-2651) for information about his concert/lecture program based songs and readings from The Undying Flame.”
jp 03.04.02