The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert
Monday, June 11th, 2007
Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa
The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir
All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with
Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.
Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra. Their performance is staged in front of a
constantly changing video screen that matches spectacular images to live
music on stage. Read more…
Tugendhaft is a born performer! His amazing voice lends itself to many
different styles. He sounds like both your classical heart wrenching
cantor and a modern opera tenor. All the while crisscrossing the stage
with amazing vibrancy, singing every song with heart- felt emotion.
The Choristers not only pour their hearts into every number but are also
perfectly choreographed. Tugendhaft, the choir, and the orchestra create
an unbelievably unique atmosphere for traditional Jewish songs.
Take a moment to view video clips from their past performances:
The show is absolutely unique and is sure to be enjoyed by all ages and
walks of life. Their audiences have been made up of American, South
African, British, Israeli and Persian Jews. There have been teenagers,
grandparents and everyone in between present……all of whom end up
dancing in the aisles!! We expect this performance to be sold out.
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Center, click on attachments for ad blank.
For further information call the Center office at 718-997-5730.