A unique collection of 19 songs was originally written by educator Rita Gold for Head Start. Peter and Ellen Allard, along with fellow songwriters such as Peri Smilow, Josh Nelson, Shira Kline, and Fran Avni, have adapted these songs for use in Jewish early childhood education. The songs teach age-appropriate Jewish values and foster Jewish identity. All of the songs in this collection were written to help children learn the principles of fairness, decency, respect, and caring. Many of the songs were written in response to a child’s question. Other songs were created to lift the spirits of a child who is feeling hurt. Still others were composed to explain to children how they can improve our world. A CD is included.
No. 301787
Paperback and Audio CD
ISBN-10: 0-8074-1089-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8074-1089-9
$24.95 each
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