Holly Montgomery, a singer-songwriter and bass player originally from Louisville, KY, transplanted to L.A. and then again to Washington DC., has just released her EP, “Book of our Tribe” under the project name “Eve Rising”. The recording is available at: The iTunes link is: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/book-of-our-tribe-ep/id1166351100, but it also has a page on her music site: http://www.hollymontgomerymusic.com/eve-rising.
Holly has her own band HOLLY, which recorded 3 albums, played at the House of Blues. She also played in a band called Big Planet that was awarded “Best Acoustic Band in Los Angeles by the National Academy of Songwriters. Holly relocated to DC, where she recorded two albums and wrote the theme songs for several major charities.
Her Jewish-themed music is completely modern, completely original, and in English. One reviewer stated that “Her voice has a deep, gritty tone that pours through the listener’s headphones and/or speakers like sonic honey.”