Delaware Valley Jewish Choral

Gratz College will host the 4th annual Delaware Valley Jewish Choral
Festival on Sunday, March 28. Sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation in
conjunction with Gratz and the Jewish choral community of the Delaware
Valley, the event is designed for lovers of Jewish music of all backgrounds… Contact the Tyson Music Department at Gratz College, 215-635-7300, or e-mail See more information…

The program will begin at 2 p.m. with a “community sing” of choral
selections led by local conductors, with special guest, Binyumen Schaechter,
director of the Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus. Specializing in
Yiddish music, the choir has been performing continuously for more than 80
years, and will headline the evening concert that follows the day-long
Schaechter will also lead two of the twelve workshops scheduled following
the community sing, on topics ranging from Yiddish humor in song to vocal
improvisation, conducting volunteer choirs and the relationship between
Jewish choral music and Broadway. Attendees will have the opportunity to
attend their choice of two hour-long sessions during the afternoon,
following which a light, Glatt Kosher buffet will be served.
In addition to the Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus, the evening program,
which begins at 7:30 p.m., will feature performances by the M’kor Shalom
Chorale of Cherry Hill, conducted by Cantor Anita Hochman, and by Nashirah,
a newly-formed, auditioned chorus conducted by Robert Ross.
Participants are encouraged to attend the full-day event, but an
afternoon-only option is available. Tickets for the concert, alone, may
also be purchased. Discounts are available for seniors and students.
For further information, contact the Tyson Music Department at Gratz
College, 215-635-7300, or e-mail