Jewish Theological Seminary. Music Archives and Sabin Family Music Library

The Jewish music library supports the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the JTS. The music library contains more than 5,500 reference materials, general Jewish music, cantor’s notebooks, music histories, scores, and sound recordings. Other historical materials include liturgical music,published and unpublished, from late-nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe and Russia. The library serves as a “repository for the history of Jewish music in the United States.” The music archives are part of the JTS special collections. Of special note are the papers of Max Wohlberg, Solomon Rosowsky, Herbert Fromm and Samuel Rosenbaum with finding aids available online. The JTS music archives contains the manuscripts of the Putterman Collection, which were commissioned works for synagogue.
For more information contact
Dr. Eliott Kahn, Music Archivist,
Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway,
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 678-8076
Fax: (212) 678-8998