Monthly Archives: February 2017

Ensemble Lucidarium Summer Jewish Renaissance Music

Here’s some information about a tuition-free course Ensemble Lucidarium
will be giving in Venice this Summer. It’s an opportunity to make music and learn about the Italian cantorial tradition and Jewish Renaissance music while living in the city itself, and
will feature lectures various aspects of Venetian culture, an in-depth
guided visit to the Ghetto and Jewish Cemetery and a traditional Italian
Shabbat service.  There will be a workshop on old Jewish song, and you can
even try your hand at traditional Italian percussion…

The Music of the Merchant:  Summer course in Venetian Renaissance and Italian Jewish Music”

July 24 – 30, 2017,

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola San Giorgio Maggiore,
Venice, Italy.
Ensemble Lucidarium
Enrico Fink: Italian cantorial tradition, Jewish song, voice
Avery Gosfield: instrumental ensemble, Jewish song, recorder, pipe and tabor
Gloria Moretti: vocal ensemble, voice
Francis Biggi: instrumental ensemble, mixed ensemble, plucked strings
Massimiliano Dragoni: traditional and early percussion, hammer dulcimer

Workshops on: repertoire linked to carnival and the Commedia dell’Arte;
the reconstruction of Jewish song in the 16th century; the Italian Jewish