Monthly Archives: May 2016

Gepriesen und geheiligt sei ER inmitten Jerusalems. 25 Kantoren aus Jerusalem und umgebung (Jerusalem in Hebrew prayers and songs).

Scholarly CD produced by Jüdische Kulturtage and Haus der Kulturen der Welt in cooperation with Internationales Institut für traditionelle Musik.CD 66.21201. Dr. Edwin Seroussi of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem wrote the program notes. For a thorough review which was written by Francesco Spagnolo of the Yuval Italia Center and is available online via Music and Anthropology, go to the following link: .

Jewish Entertainment Resources Directory, JERD, Events Calendar

Artists listed alphabetically and cross referenced by category and a concert calendar by geographic area. Judy Caplan Ginsburgh does this for a hobby. She has over 100 various artists listings, which will get you started. She includes musicians, actors, dancers, storytellers and comedians among other performing arts entertainers. Performers are encouraged to submit listings to the site.