Life of Rubin Blog
Has pull down menus by album reviewed, YouTube galore with lots of Jewish songs on video, and acapella recommendations.
Has pull down menus by album reviewed, YouTube galore with lots of Jewish songs on video, and acapella recommendations.
“Keyboardguy” describes himself as a professional keyboard player who has played for a number of large East Coast bands. Most of the music reviewed is contemp orthodox.
Telling the story of the Jewish in America from the cover art of LPs. Only half in gest.
Blogmeister is run by “Jewish Blogmeister”, who runs the website anonymously.
Scholarly CD produced by Jüdische Kulturtage and Haus der Kulturen der Welt in cooperation with Internationales Institut für traditionelle Musik.CD 66.21201. Dr. Edwin Seroussi of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem wrote the program notes. For a thorough review which was written by Francesco Spagnolo of the Yuval Italia Center and is available online via Music and Anthropology, go to the following link: .
Zamir Chorale concert schedule and excerpts from recordings are available at their website. This site also contains links to Jewish music resources.
Reports events in Jewish music in the UK. Not always up to date.
Provides reviews of CDs, recordings and concerts. Helpful in discovering some newer European bands and events. Includes concert schedules in German cities.Also: Schedules at Schedules
Use the search function and type “klezmer” for a chronological listing of several upcoming events. Gives dates, time, place and links to band websites. Includes links to venue locations with local contact information, which is very helpful for those wishing to attend the concerts.
Listings of all sorts of events in the klezmer and new Jewish music world. One of the most comprehensive sources of news for Jewish musical events, CD releases and the like. Updated frequently.
Artists listed alphabetically and cross referenced by category and a concert calendar by geographic area. Judy Caplan Ginsburgh does this for a hobby. She has over 100 various artists listings, which will get you started. She includes musicians, actors, dancers, storytellers and comedians among other performing arts entertainers. Performers are encouraged to submit listings to the site.
A website that announces upcoming dates of Israeli artists, groups and individuals, touring in the US. Organized by artist.