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Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

JCC MusicFest West Bloomfield

June 20-27
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building on the Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus in West Bloomfield.
Tickets on sale May 10, 2004
Highlighting the musical heritage of the Jewish people through a variety of programs that educate and entertain our community, while encouraging affiliation with the Jewish Community Center.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Katie Marcus at

Announcements Archive 2001

All archival announcements from 2001 listed below.


AMJ: L’Association Amis de la Musique Juive
L’Association AMJ: Les Amis de la Musique Juive –Friends of Jewish Music in Geneva, Switzerland sponsors exhibits, concerts, lectures, debates and music workshops. The first CD produced by AMJ has segments that can be listened online. It’s the digital “live” recording from the “Psalm” concert organized on March 11th 2001. To hear a presentation:

Voices: Continuity and Community

Gala opening concert of the Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture

Saturday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m., Peretz Centre, 6184 Ash Street (at 45th
Avenue), Vancouver

The Peretz Centre will celebrate the offical opening of its new
facilities with a concert featuring vocalists Claire Klein Osipov,
Grace Chan, Marcus Mosely and Stephen Aberle.…

New Jewish Music Forum

The Jewish Music Forum, a new initiative of the American Society for Jewish
Music, an affiliate of the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center
for Jewish History, is pleased to announce its inaugural academic seminar
series. This ongoing seminar will feature leading scholars presenting new
research findings and theoretical contributions to the academic study of
Jewish music. All events are free and open to the public.

Jewish Music Forum
Spring 2005 Academic Seminar
“The Study of Music in Jewish Life”

January 28
Professor Kay Kaufman Shelemay, G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music at
Harvard University, Inaugural Lecture, “Memory and History in Jewish Music”

February 11
Professor Edwin Seroussi, Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, “Studying Jewish Music in Israel:
Achievements, Failures and Challenges for the Future”
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Stephen Blum, City University of New

March 11
Professor Judah M.…

Announcements Archive 1999

All archival announcements from 1999 listed below.

–New York, NY–
A Tribute to Cantor Moshe Koussevitsky the Holocaust Survivor.
A tribute to the Tlomitzka Synagogue of Warsaw
World renowned Cantors Ben Zion Miller, Joseph Malovany, Moshe Schulof, the
Yuval Cantors choir of Israel, and other world famous artists will present
their renditions of the music which Koussevitzky was highly acclaimed.
Music performed by a symphonic orchestra led by: Conductor Dr. Mordechai Sobel of Tel Aviv. Date: Sun. Evening- March 5, 2000. Location: Avery Fisher Hall- Manhattan For more information on how to set aside advance tickets for your organization contact: Jill Smulevitz. JEWISH STARS.(516) 292-0670.
Tickets are available for fundraising purposes.
The concert committee will update you with the complete list of world famous

Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008
May 31 – June 8

Nine days of music, film and dialogue from an amazing variety of artists and musical
styles. Visit for a full line-up and tickets.

The Ninth Annual Washington Jewish Music Festival celebrates and explores the wide
spectrum of sounds and traditions that make up Jewish music. Throughout a nine-day
festival, audiences will be able to hear a wide range of styles and influences that
make up the richness of Jewish music. The Festival will feature David Buchbinder’s
Odessa/Havana, an exciting Jewish-Cuban musical fusion; the Afro-Semitic Experience,
showcasing the musical traditions of both Jewish and African diasporas; Beyond The
Pale, presenting new klezmer music, fused with folk and roots; the silent film The
set to live music performed by Davka; the Sisters of Sheynville who swing in
Yiddish; dance music and classical music; musical theater and pop; and much more.…

New Jewish Music Forum

The American Society for Jewish Music has launched the New Jewish Music Forum. Speaking in New York at the Center for Jewish History last Friday on Feb. 11 was Edwin Seroussi, Head of the Jewish Music Research Center located at Hebrew University in Jersualem. Seroussi, who spoke on “Studying Jewish Music in Israel: Achievements, Failures and Challenges for the Future,” also has a recently released book called “Popular Music and National Culture in Israel.” Seroussi’s talk centered on both the historic and political as well as artistic influences that shaped the course of Israeli music. Mark Kligman of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion moderated. His respondent at the forum was Professor Stephen Blum, City University of New York. Professor Seroussi is also the Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.…

Jim Loeffler speaking at Jewish Music Forum

On Thursday, March 24th at 7 PM, in conjunction with YIVO, the Jewish Music Forum will present The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire, the title of a fascinating new book by Dr. James Loeffler, the Founder and first Executive Director of ASJM’s Jewish Music Forum.

Quoting from the book jacket below gives you additional details about this wonderful evening which will have live musical examples. Providing these music examples for Dr. Loffler’s talk, we are very grateful to have performers from YIVO’s Krum Young Artist Series. A reception and book singing will follow:

“No image of pre-revolutionary Russian Jewish life is more iconic than the fiddler on the roof. But in the half century before 1917, Jewish musicians were actually descending from their shtetl roofs and streaming in dazzling numbers to Russia’s new classical conservatories.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert Held at Broward College

Tickets for the Seventh Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert, to be held at Broward College in January 10 2015 are now on sale.
For Info:
As in past years, we anticipate that the concert will sell out ahead of time, so we
suggest that you order your tickets early.

General admission tickets for the concert will again be only $18.00.

For those patrons who would like to reserve a seat in the front of the Bertha Abess
Sanctuary, we are offering a limited number of Preferred Seating tickets available
for $100.00. The remainder of the seats will continue to be general admission

Tickets may be purchased online ( or by
calling 1-800-838-3006.

Announcements Archive 2002

All archival announcements from 2002 listed below.

–Syracuse, NY–
Klezfest photos from Klezfest 2001 and 2002.Next Festival on June 8, 2003.


–New York–TOUR with MUSIC–
Musical Walking Tour Sings the Stories of the Lower East Side

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2002, 11 AM

Lower East Side, New York . . . On Sunday, October 27, 2002, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, the Eldridge Street Project will host the Lower East Side Serenade, a musical walking tour of the historic sites and sounds of the Lower East Side. As they meander along the streets, tour-goers will be treated to live performances of Yiddish and English songs which reference turn-of-the-century immigrant life in the neighborhood. World-renowned “minstrel”, Jeff Warschauer, will sing his heart out as architectural historian Lucien Sonder points out nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century landmarks in the neighborhood.…

Wolpe Lectures from Jewish Music Forum

March 26, 2010
10:30 A.M.
Center for Jewish History 
15 West 16th Street

New York, NY

All events are FREE and open to the public.

Friday, March 26, 2010, at the Center for Jewish History,
Dr. Brigid Cohen will present a lecture entitled “‘In a Land
Large as an Apple Tree’: Wolpe’s Avant-Garde Music, Pedagogy, and
Pacifist Zionism in 1930’s Palestine” and Prof. Michael Beckerman
of NYU will contribute a written response.

The Jewish Music Forum, now in its sixth season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society. Please visit our
website at


El Mez de Hanukkah,The Month of Hanukkah!
Sunday Afternoon. NOVEMBER 21 at 3 PM
175 Temple Street, West Newton, Massachusetts
Directions: (
$18.00 in advance by phone or email reservations
$25.00 at the door on day of concert

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History Lecture

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History
are pleased to present

Professor Mark Kligman
(Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)

Friday, April 8, 10 AM
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street

“Beyond Yiddishland: New Studies from the Jewish Musical Mediterranean”

The music of Sephardi Jewish communities is a diverse and complex
cultural phenomenon. Spanning the Mediterranean from the Western
Sephardic communities of Spain and Portugal to North Africa, the Ottoman
Empire and the Levant, the Sephardi world encompasses a vast geographic,
cultural and linguistic space. This presentation will offer a broad
overview of the development of academic scholarship on Western and
Middle Eastern Sephardi musical traditions. Using extensive audio
examples, Professor Kligman will demonstrate the stylistic and cultural
diversity across Mediterranean Jewish communities, past and present.…

Jewish Music Forum features Dr. Hankus Netsky in September

The Jewish Music Forum is very pleased to introduce the 2005-2006 schedule of our academic seminar series, “New Perspectives on Music in Jewish Life.”
The first speaker will be Dr. Hankus Netsky of the New England Conservatory of Music. On Friday, September 23 at 10 A.M.
at the Center for Jewish History, Dr. Netsky will deliver a lecture, “The Philadelphia Russian Sher Medley: Viewing the Immigrant Experience through a Musical Text.” Dr. Mark Slobin of Wesleyan University will serve as respondent to this talk. All sessions of the Jewish Music Forum take place on Friday mornings,
beginning at 10:00 AM at the Center for Jewish History. For additional information, please contact James Loeffler at 212-294-8328 or

Gala Opening Night Tickets for Boston Jewish Music Festival

30th Anniversary of Klezmer Conservatory Band Features Reunion with
Clarinetist Don Byron & Vocalist Judy Bressler; JDub Recording Artists, Golem, Opens Show

The legendary Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB), the band that kick-started the klezmer music revival, will open the first annual Boston Jewish Music Festival (BJMF) with a gala concert celebrating the band’s 30th anniversary at the Berklee Performance Center on March 6, 2010 at 7:30 PM.

Tickets for the concert are on sale through Ticketmaster ( and the Berklee box office. Tickets for other BJMF events are now on sale, most through Ticketweb ( The entire festival schedule is now posted on the BJMF web site.

Two former members who were instrumental in helping build the band’s reputation—vocalist Judy Bressler and clarinetist Don Byron—will reunite with them for the first time in more than 20 years.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1984-85, Volume VII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VII. Number 1. 5745/1984-85


Israel J. Katz

Yemenite and Babylonian Elements in the Musical Heritage of the Jews of Cochin, IndiaJohanna Spectorp.1
Songs of the Jews on the Island of Djerba. A Comparison between Two Surveys: Hara Sghira (1929) and Hara Kebira (1976)Ruth Francis Davisp.23
The Resurgence of Jewish Musical Life in an Urban German Community: Mannheim on the Eve of World War IIPhilip V. Bohlmanp.34
Felix Mendelssohn's Commissioned Composition for the Hamburg Temple: The 100th Psalm (1844)Eric Wernerp.54
Another Anthology of Sephardic Folksongs (A Review Essay)Samuel G. Armistead, Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1985-86, Volume VIII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VIII. Number 1. 5747/1985-86

Israel J. Katz

Associate/Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

A Family of Jewish Musicians in Mid-Eighteenth Century Paris Alexander L. Ringer p.1
Reminiscences of Guido Adler (1855-1941)Carl A. Rosenthal p.13
Salomon Sulzer's Schir Zion, Volume One: A Survey of Its Contributors and Its ContentsAbraham Lubinp.23
A Perception of the Prayer Modes as Reflected in Musical and Rabbinical SourcesMacy Nulmanp.45
They Made Me a Jewish ComposerDavid Finkop.59
Ami Maayani and the Yiddish Art Song (Part I)Laya Harbater Silberp.75
Book Reviews: Eric Werner, The Sacred Bridge: The Interdependence of Liturgy and Music in Synagogue and Church during the First Millenium, Volume Two (New York, 1984)Theodore C.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1982-83, Volume V, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume V. Number 1. 5743/1982-83

Israel J. Katz
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Hugo Weisgall's The Golden Peacock: A Stylistic and Interpretive Analysis of Two SongsLaura Leon-Cohen p.1
Frederick Emil Kitziger of New Orleans: A Nineteenth-Century Composer of Synagogue MusicJohn H. Baronp.21
The Biblical Trope System in Ashkenazic Phrophetic ReadingJoseph A. Levinep.35
Modulation as an Integral Part of the Modal System in Jewish Music Judit Laki Frigyesip.53
The Development of the Hallel Chant as Reflected in Rabbinic Literature Macy Nulmanp.72
Antisemitism and Music in Nineteenth-Century France James H. Johnsonp.79
Record Reviews: The Art of Moshe Rudinow.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1981-82, Volume IV, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IV. Number 1. 5742/1981-82

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

The Music Division of the Jewish-Ethnographic Expedition in the Name of BaronHorace Guinzbourg (1911-1914)Albert Weisser p.1
Curt Sachs and the Library Museum of the Performing ArtsCarleton Sprague Smithp.9
The Role of Ethnomusicology in the Study of Jewish MusicJohanna Spector p.20
The Enigma of the Antonio Bustelo Judeo-Spanish Ballad tunes in Manuel L. Ortega's Los hebreos en marreucosIsrael J. Katzp.33
On the Melody of David Edelstadts's "Vacht Oyfl" Robert A. Rothsteinp.69
Book and Music Reviews: Neil Levin, ed.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1980-81, Volume III, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume III. Number 1. 5741/1980-81

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Friedrich Gernsheim (1839-1916) and the Lost GenerationAlexander L. Ringer p.1
Toward Defining the Jewish Prayer Modes: With Particular Emphasis on the Adonay Malakh ModeJoseph A. Levinep.13
Seged: A Falasha Pilgrimage FestivalKay Kaufman Shelemayp.43
The Jew in German Musical Thought before the Nineteenth CenturyJacob Hohenemserp.63
Letters to the Editors: An Encyclopedist's Ailments--Reviewing Reviews of the Encyclopaedia Judaica on Jewish MusicHanoch Avenaryp.74
Letters to the Editors: A reply to Dr. AvenaryEric Wernerp.76
Book and Music Reviews: Robert Strassburg, Ernest Bloch: Voice in the Wilderness (Los Angeles, 1977)Byron Cantrellp.77
Book and Music Reviews: Miriam Gideon: Shirat Miriam L'Shabbat: A Sabbath Evening Service (London, 1978)Hugo Weisgallp.80
Book and Music Reviews: Hugo Weisgall, The Golden Peacock: Seven Popular Songs from the Yiddish (Bryn Mawr, 1980)Bruce Saylorp.82
Contributors of Articlesp.86
In Memoriam: Marvin Duchow (1914-1979)Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1977-78, Volume II, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume II. Number 1. 5738/1977-78

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Lazare Saminsky's Years in Russia and Palestine: Excerpts from an Unpublished Autobiography/Edited and annotated by Albert Weisser p.1
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish FolksongMax Wohlbergp.21
Cross-Cultural Dynamics in Musical Traditions: The Music of the Jews of Cochin/Israel J. Rossp.51
Soviet-Yiddish Folklore Scholarship/Eleanor Gordon Mlotek p.73
Book Reviews: The Articles "Music, Masoretic Accents, and Hazzan" in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)Eric Wernerp.91
Book Reviews: Chanah Milner and Paul Storm, eds. Sefardische Liederen en Balladen (romanzas) (The Hague, 1974)Samuel G.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1975-76, Volume I, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume I. Number 1. 5736/1975-76

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938): A Bibliography of His Collected Writings/Israel J. Katz p.1
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain/Judith K. Eisensteinp.33
Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Jew and His Relationship with Richard Wagner/Joan L. Thomsonp.55
Review Essay: The Music of Europe and the Americas (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)/Albert Weisserp.87
Facsimile of Two Fragments of Joseph Achron's Kiddush HasemAlmanach of the Yiddish Art Theatrep.104
Contributors of Articlesp.105
Alfred Sendrey (1884-1976): In Memoriam/Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1983-84, Volume VI, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VI. Number 1. 5744/1983-84

Israel J. Katz

Lazare Saminsky's Early Years in New York City (1920-1928): Excerpts from an Unpublished AutobiographyEdited by Israel J. Katz p.1
Sephardic Folkliterature and Eastern Mediterranean Oral TraditionSamuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silvermanp.38
A Trascription of the Judeo-Spanish Ballad La vuelta del maridoIsrael J. Katzp.55
The "Prologue" to Jewish Music in Twentieth-Century America: Four Representative Figures: [Bloch, Saminsky, Copland, and Weisgall]Albert Weisserp.60
Max Helfman: The Man and His Musical LegacyPhilip Moddel and Richard J. Neumann (Including a listing of Helfman's compositions compiled by Judith Tischler)p.67
Last Chants for the Cantorate?


World Premiere of Symphony 1 by Meira Warshauer in South Carolina

World Premiere Performance of Meira Warshauer Symphony No. 1 Living,
Breathing Earth
by South Carolina Philharmonic on March 24

The World Premiere performance of Meira Warshauer’s Symphony No. 1 –
“Living, Breathing Earth”
will be given by the South Carolina
Philharmonic, Nicholas Smith, Music Director, at 7 PM on Saturday, March
24, 2007 as part of their Master Series 7 concert at the Koger Center
for the Arts, 1051 Greene Street in Columbia, South Carolina.

Tickets for the March 24 concert are $40, $32, $23, $16 and $13. For
tickets and more concert information, please call the South Carolina
Philharmonic box office at 803-254-7445 or visit them online at

Jewish Music Forum features Ezro Malakov

The Jewish Music Forum is offering a program being given at the Center for Jewish History
on Monday, March 2nd at 7 PM.
Celebrating the release of an important new book by Dr. Evan Rapport, Greeted with Smiles: Bukharian Jewish Music and Musicians in New York (Oxford University Press), with live music examples by some of New York’s most respected Bukharian musicians led by master singer Ezro Malakov, this promises to be a wonderfully informative and entertaining evening.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY
Please RSVP at:
Reception to follow.
Additional information about the program, Dr. Rapport and the performers is below.
I hope you will be able to join us on Monday, March 2nd. Admission is free.
Please RSVP to…

Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music at JMF

Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music
(with music examples from the composer’s collection) — a unique interview
by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang.

On Sunday, November 8th at 3 PM
at the Center for Jewish History
15th West 16th Street, NYC

The Jewish Music Forum presents a unique interview
with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composer Steve Reich about his Jewish Music, with
music examples from the composers own collection. Mr. Reich will be
interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, David Lang.
The Jewish Music Forum is free to the public. Reservations for the Steve
Reich Talk will be taken on a first-come first-served basis. Call

Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…

“Israel in Three Anthems” Talk at Jewish Music Forum


The Jewish Music Forum of The AmericanSociety for Jewish Music

“Israel in Three Anthems”

Michael A. Figueroa, Assistant Professor of Music, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Discussant: Brigid Cohen, Assistant Professor of Music, NYU

Monday, November 28th at 7pm. at the Center for Jewish History

15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011. Tickets are free and all programs are open to the public. Please rsvp to:

This talk discusses how three anthems—“Ha-Tikva,” “L’Internationale,” and “Yerushalayim shel Zahav”— have helped shaped Israeli society, analyzing these songs as performances of collectivity representing the multifaceted nature of Zionism and the shifting political landscape in Israel.

Michael A. Figueroa is an ethnomusicologist whose work resides at the intersection of music and political consciousness in Middle Eastern and African American contexts.


Clarinet Forum

Merlin Sheperd is moderating a brand new
section of the Greek and Turkish clarinet forum, dedicated to Klezmer
Subjects currently under scrutiny include: Ornamentation, Phrasing, Tonality, Timbre and general technical section
Vocal Ornaments transferred to instrumental playing Repertoire, Genres and Crossover.

Jewish Music Forum Speaker Hasia Diner

The Jewish Music Forum
will host the next lecture in the 2008-2009 series:
December 12, 2008
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
“Engaging Ethnography and Institutionalization in Jewish Music.”
This event is sponsored by the American
Society for Jewish Music and the American Jewish Historical
Society. All events are free and open to the public.

“American Jews, Music and the Memory of the Holocaust: 1945-1962”

Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
Respondent: Cantor Bruce Ruben, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Center for Jewish History / Kovno Room
15 W. 16th Street (between 5th and 6th Aves., north side of the street)
New York, NY 10011

Brecht Forum at Westbeth NYC

On Wednesday, Mar. 2, at 7:30pm, the Brecht Forum at Westbeth (451 West St., corner of Bank St.) in Manhattan will be celebrating the 100th birthday of the man who made Brecht & Weill household words in America: Marc Blitzstein, a seminal figure in American music, theatre, and opera, best known for his translation/adaptation of THE THREEPENNY OPERA, as well as his own Broadway operas THE CRADLE WILL ROCK and REGINA, and the unfinished TALES OF MALAMUD and SACCO AND VANZETTI. In January 1936, Blitzstein played his song about a prostitute, “The Nickel Under the Foot” at a party for Brecht, who then suggested that it be expanded to show how under capitalism everyone sells out. That became THE CRADLE WILL ROCK. A tape recording, discovered in the archives only last summer, of Blitzstein playing and singing that song will be played in public for the first time at the symposium.…

Gustav Mahler Recital in Washington Jan 7

Gustav Mahler Recital, Hermine Haselböck, mezzosoprano
Washington January 7 and New York City January 9 and 13, 2008

The young Austrian Mezzosopran, whose International recital
and concert performances have led her to Carnegie Hall – New
York, Musikverein Vienna, Konzerthaus Vienna, Concertgebouw
Amsterdam, Frauenkirche Dresden and the Teatro San Carlo
Naples as well as to festivals such as the Styriarte, KlangBogen
Vienna, Wiener Festwochen, Kunstfest Weimar, MDR
Musiksommer Leipzig, Easterfestival of sacred Music in Brno and
the Haydnfestival Eisenstadt, will perform Recitals with G.
Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder und
Rückertlieder (Russell Ryan, piano) on 7. January 2008 in the Austrian Cultural
Forum – Washington DC and on 9th and 13th January
2008 in the Austrian Cultural Forum – New York City. Tickets
Austrian Cultural Forum,
11 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022
phone: 212 319 5300, fax: 212 644 8660, and

Austrian Cultural Forum,
Embassy of Austria,
3524 International Court,
N.W.Washington, D.C.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert 2013 in January

Don’t miss Jewish music from around the world: Yiddish, Cantorial, Ladino, Israeli, folk, pop, classical, jazz, tango and beat box (and magic too) in Miami, Florida.

Performed in the glorious 1926 Bertha Abess Sanctuary at Temple Israel of Greater Miami, the oldest Jewish sanctuary in continuous use in Florida. Located at 7 N13.E. 19th Street, the Temple is in Miami’s vibrant urban center, five blocks north from the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, and near the Wynwood Arts District, Midtown, and the Design District.

Tickets for the 2013 Winter Jewish Music Concert are now on sale.

The concert, with a huge cast of cantors and performers, will be Saturday evening, January 19th. Tickets are $18 per person (plus
service charge), and can be purchased online (
or by calling 1-800-838-3006.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents its first solo concert
For details:

For five years the Winter Jewish Music Concert has presented large-scale concerts of
Jewish music, with twenty or more singers at each concert.

On Sunday, June 9th, at 4:00 p.m., we will for the first time present a concert
featuring only one singer. The performer at this very special event will be Anthony
Mordechai Tzvi Russell
, who over the past year has gained attention as the new voice
of Yiddish song. He will be singing from the songbook of Sidor Belarsky, one of the
20th Century’s greatest singers of Jewish song.

Mr. Russell’s personal story is compelling. He is a classically-trained
African-American singer who converted to Judaism and whose partner is a rabbi.…

YidStock 2013

Join us for Yidstock 2013: the festival of new Yiddish music!
Thursday, July 18th through Sunday, July 21 Live at the Yiddish Book Center
Purchase your tickets today.
To purchase tickets for individual events or to purchase a Festival Pass:
A limited number of Festival Passes are available.*
*Festival Pass includes access to all concerts, lectures, and workshops
Back by popular demand, Yosi’s Kosher Falafel Tent will be serving an assortment of
great food.

Concert Schedule
– Thursday, July 18 –
*7pm | Klezmer Conservatory Band
– Saturday, July 20 –
*7pm | Margot Leverett & the Klezmer Mountain Boys and Klezperanto
– Sunday, July 21 –
*12pm | Wholesale Klezmer Band – Family Concert
*2pm | Brass Khazones: Steven Bernstein and Frank London play Cantorial Music
*4pm | Golem
*7pm | Yidstock All-Stars

Workshop · Lecture Schedule
– Friday, July 20 –
*1pm | Lecture: Hebrew National Salvage: Rediscovering Lost Musical treasures with
Hankus Netsky
*2pm | Lecture: Rockin’ the Shtetl: The Essential Klezmer with Seth Rogovoy
*3:30pm | Workshop: Yiddish Folk Dance with instructor Steve Weintraub
*5pm | Workshop: Instrumental Klezmer with instructor Brian Bender
– Saturday, July 21 –
*4pm | Talk: New Riffs: Improvising a Contemporary Yiddish Culture with Aaron Lansky
and Seth Rogovoy

For more information and to purchase tickets:
Website –
Phone – 413-256-4900
**PLEASE NOTE: Lineup is subject to change.…

Charitable Concert for Deaf Children in Israel

Charitable Concert for AV Israel. All proceeds to benefit Deaf Children at AV Israel.
A beautiful evening by women for women featuring:
Author Naomi Ragen, Singer/Songwriter Nomi Teplow and The Leora Damelin: Women’s Dance Company.
MC: Oshra Koren – Head of MATAN Ra’anana
Monday, January 26, 2009
8:00pm – 11:00pm
Yad L’Banim Concert Hall היכל התרבות רעננה
147 Achuza Street רח’ אחוזה 147
Doors open at 7.30PM – Evening starts at 8.00PM
Tickets: 55₪ and 75₪
To order tickets please contact:
Doors open at 7.30PM – Evening starts at 8.00PM
Tickets: 55₪ and 75₪
To order tickets please contact:
Jozie Eisner – mobile – 054-5505576
Cecile Rechtman – mobile – 050-7593713
Millie Wolf – mobile – 054-6777048.
Light refreshments will be served.
Light refreshments will be served.

Meira Warshauer Symphony No. 1 World Premiere

World Premiere Performance of Meira Warshauer Symphony No. 1 Living,
Breathing Earth
by Western Piedmont Symphony of North Carolina was a great
success. The two other orchestras who helped commission the work will have first performances in March and April.
The Symphony was commissioned by the Western Piedmont Symphony, the
South Carolina Philharmonic (their Premiere performance will be on March
24 – and the Dayton Philharmonic (their
Premiere performances will be given on April 26 and 28 –

You can find much more about Meira Warshauer at

Albert Hurwit Symphony 1 “Remembrance” CD released

Albert Hurwit, a Hartford, Connecticut composer has released a CD on the MSR Classics label “Symphony No. 1, the “Remembrance” Symphony with Michael Lankester, conducting the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra. The symphony is striking, with melodious and beautiful melodies, exactly as the reviewer in Grammophone described. It can be purchased at as well as Hurwit also has a website to read more about him and his work:

David Berkeley at Club Passim on Feb. 1

David Berkeley will appear at Club Passim in Cambridge, MA on Feb. 1 at 8pm, Joe’s Pub in New York on Feb. 2 and The Tin Angel in Philadelphia on the 3rd.
Berkeley is an American singer-songwriter, with a voice compared by The New York Times as “lustrous, melancholy voice with shades of Tim Buckley and Nick Drake.” He’s is a Harvard University graduate about whom Hillary Meister wrote in the Atlanta Jewish Times on January 2, 2004, is influenced by synagogue services, and that in particular,” a cantor with a beautiful voice “kept me going to synagogue” while growing up in New Jersey” He has several CDs, including Live from the Fez (2005), After the Wrecking Ships (2004), The Confluence (2002). The Confluence, was reviewed in
Billboard magazine and Rollingstone which called him
a “Sixties-esque troubadour with songs to swoon by and a voice sweeter than
incense and peppermints.” Berkeley reported to Meister a couple of years ago that the music coming out of silent prayer was always the most powerful for him.…

Union of Reform Judaism releases Manginot, Vols. 1 and 2


Magnificent Jewish music for children ages 2 to 13, The Complete Jewish Songbook for Children series provides lyrics, chords, and melodies for hundreds of well-loved Jewish songs for children. Ideal for home and classroom, these volumes feature thematic categories (Jewish holidays, Israel, Holocaust, prayer, and more) to help you find appropriate music for any occasion. Introduce children of all ages to the joy of singing with the help of The Complete Jewish Songbook for Children. For information, call 888.489.8242 or

Nigun Anthology Vol 1

New Book released by Transcon… Nigun Anthology.
*Unique, diverse compilation of wordless Jewish melodies (nigunim) and
liturgical settings
*Features nigunim from folk tradition and contemporary
*Includes Notational index by melody line & foreword by ethnomusicologist
Judah Cohen

*Transcending history, language, and society, the nigun – or wordless
Jewish melody – helps unify us in worship or around the Shabbat table.
Nigunim have long served to spark the spirit: 18th century Chasidim sang
nigunim to create a mood of holiness; in today’s liberal Jewish worship
service, the nigun helps shift focus to prayer from the concerns of the
outside world. Now, Transcontinental Music introduces the first
comprehensive anthology of inspiring nigun melodies, available in a
songbook with CD and on CD alone.
Purchase Songbook with CD
Purchase CD only:

“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Jeffrey Shandler
March 9th
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ”
Location: The Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th St. New York City
Date: Friday, March 9, 2007
Time: 10:30 AM to Noon

Admission: This event is free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society
and the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum lecture series continues, with an
investigation of the cantor’s life, art, and spirituality as narrated
through various modes of communication:
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Presented by:
Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York
University, and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion
at the Center for Religion and Media, New York University…

Rabbi Jeffrey Summit’s “Singing God’s Words” at Jewish Music Forum

On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7pm, Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit, Ph.D. will speak about his new book, Singing God’s Words: The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism (Oxford University Press, 2016).

This book is the first in-depth study of the meaning and experience of chanting Torah among contemporary American Jews, describing how this ritual is shaped by such forces as digital technology, feminism and contemporary views of spirituality.

Rabbi Summit will be joined by discussants Dr. Mark Slobin, Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music Emeritus at Weleyan University and Cantor Richard Cohn, Director, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street | New York, NY 10011

This program is co-sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society.


JMF Presents “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine”

The next event of The Jewish Music Forum 2010-2011 Season will be
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011
at Center for Jewish History, New York, NY,
Dr. Ruth Davis will present a lecture
entitled “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine.”
The Jewish Music Forum, now in its seventh season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society.
Please visit our
website at

Event details are as follows:

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
4:00 P.M.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

All events are FREE and open to the public.

Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation

Jack Mendelson panel
Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation, 1 Mar 2009
FAU Libraries & Klezmer Company Orchestra Present
Kultur Festival 2009
A Celebration of Jewish Music & Arts
February 25-March 1, 2009 @ Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL

Keynote Address
“Tradition and Transformation” Rabbi Irwin Kula
Sunday March 1, 2009 @ 1 p.m.
Friedberg Lifelong Learning Center (FAU)
Tickets $5

Klezperanto in Boston

Klezperanto’s back in Boston in an exciting double bill with The Wiyos

SUNDAY JULY 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the STUART STREET PLAYHOUSE, corner of Charles and Stuart Streets in the heart of Boston’s theater district, with very special guests, THE WIYOS, “Vaudevillian Ragtime-Blues and Hillbilly Swing”

You can read all about them at where you can see pictures, check out their tour schedule and press stuff, and hear samples, but it’s even BETTER to see this amazing ensemble LIVE!

Price: $15.00 in advance, $20.00 day of concert

To purchase tickets online visit Tele-Charge Online
To purchase tickets by phone call 800-447-7400*
*Service fees may apply
To purchase tickets in person visit the Stuart Street Playhouse Box Office 200 Stuart Street (in the Radisson Hotel Boston).…

30th Jewish Music Festival East Bay

Some of the Events in San Francisco at the Jewish Music Festival:

Thursday, March 5, 8:00pm, The Klezmatics. Mystical, provocative, reflective and ecstatically danceable! Opening night of 30th Jewish Music Festival. Tickets: $30 general / $26 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At The New Parish, OAKLAND

Saturday, March 7, 8:00pm, Hazonos, with Cantor Jack Mendelson, Frank London, Anthony Coleman, and Friends. Classical Jewish liturgical music sung by a master. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At Temple Sinai, OAKLAND

Sunday, March 8, 8:00pm, Kitka. Yiddish songs with internationally renowned women’s vocal ensemble. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.

At Freight and Salvage, BERKELEY.

More info on all Jewish Music Festival events: 510.848.0237 X126, Tickets: 800.838.3006 or via website.

Jewish Artists Line Up This Fall atThe Museum of Jewish Heritage

The Museum of Jewish Heritage is pleased to announce its concert line up for October
and November of this year. All events will take place at the Museum of Jewish
Hertiage, 36 Battery Place in Lower Manhattan.

Monday, October 8, 7 P.M
Tuesday, October 9, 7 P.M.
Wednesday, October 10, 7 P.M.

Idan Raichel
Songs for Peace: The Acoustic Series
Featuring Idan Raichel; with Marta Gomez, Somi, Cabra Casay, and Itamar Doari

Join dynamic Isaraeli artist Idan Raichel for his very first series of intimate
acoustic concerts in New York. Idan blends the unique sounds of Israel’s cultural
tradition with styles frm around the world for a sound that Billboard Magazine calls
a “multi-ethnic tour de force.” Showcasing new and old musical partnerships, Idan
and artists will celebrate the universal language of music.…

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus in International Choral Festival

Yiddish Chorus in International Choral Festival!
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
with Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor,
are performing next week at
The 5th New York International Choral Festival 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:30 PM
at Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027
Tickets: $20
For tickets:
Tickets will be available at the door.
Seating is General Admission.
This concert includes 4 choruses,
each performing for 15 minutes or so,
plus an Orchestra,
culminating in a number sung by all choruses together.
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
is the only Jewish – or Yiddish – chorus on the bill.

Sunday, June 5, 2011, 4:30 PM
at Symphony Space (2537 Broadway) in New York City,
the JPPC, with Conductor Binyumen Schaechter –
and with guest appearance by Di Shekhter-tekhter –
will be giving their annual gala concert.…

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story by Dmitri ‘Zisl’ Slepovitch

“Traveling the Yiddishland” by Dmitri Slepovitch presented by the National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene – is a musical/ multimedia journey across the routes of the Yiddish song’s history in the 20th century Eastern Europe– brought to the modern audiences through the original videos, live singing, playing, and DJ-ing.

The program is based on the Yiddish song, traditional and original Litvak klezmer tunes, documentary footage, and storytelling. But most importantly, it is a multi-vectored dialog that creates a link to the rich traditional heritage.

Monday, June 13 at 7:00pm
Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Ave. at East 25th St.
New York, NY

General admission: $20
For tickets, call 646-312-5073 or 866-811-4111.…

Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos

Today: Thursday, May 21
Trinity Wall Street, NYC – FREE & outdoors!
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Isle of Klezbos (with special guests) plays the historic, beautiful downtown environs of Trinity Wall Street for outdoor festivities, FREE & open to the public: Lower Broadway at Wall Street, NYC.
One fun set of klezmer & more among the trees & gravestones: live music and free lemonade. or 212-602-0800

And the Trains Kept Coming . . . to The Prophets

Cantata Singers & Ensemble
David Hoose, Music Director

World Premiere: Lior Navok‘s
And the Trains Kept Coming . . .
Cantata Singers Commission
Kurt Weill: The Prophets from The Eternal Road
First Boston performance

Friday, January 18, 2008 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 3 p.m.
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall,
30 Gainsborough St., Boston


Available at
TICKETS: $54, $34, & $20; $5 discount for WGBH members. $15 for students and seniors
(section C tickets only).
Limited student rush tickets available 30 min. before concert time with $10 cash and
student ID.

Jordan Hall Box Office
30 Gainsborough Street in Boston
(617-585-1260) or BosTix at Faneuil Hall & Copley Square.

Colors of the Diaspora

Regina Resnik presents Colors of the Diaspora. It’s a DVD collection with 3 distinct programs included, conceived and written by Michael Philip Davis. Ms. Resnik introduces and narrates the three concerts. Each is a distinct classical music art program, with the common thread of Jewish art music or music on Jewish themes.

The DVD will make the perfect Hannukah present for someone who loves both classical music and Jewish music. The DVD can be obtained through VAI DVD 4540, but also can be ordered directly through Video Artists International, 109 Wheeler Ave., Pleasantville, NY 10570. Toll free number is 800-477-7146.

The DVD includes some surprising repertoire and will introduce even aficionados of Jewish music to new selections.The narration is well written and informative. The selections are thoughtful, artistic, and knowledgeable about the breadth of Jewish music.…


The Austrian cultural Forum New York Presents:
June 8, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. / Austrian Cultural Forum New York

The Austrian Cultural Forum takes special pride in presenting a
unique event: the Austrian-born world-famous singer and actor
Theodore Bikel will appear in the Austrian Cultural Forum and
treat us to his distinctive style of folk music. The gifted
musician s repertoire includes songs from all over the world
Yiddish, German, Russian, English, French, Croatian he speaks
six languages and sings in twenty. His accompanist is the pianist
and conductor Tamara Brooks, who has an impressive career in
her own right. By combining their talents, Bikel and Brooks
promise us an unforgettable evening in the fine theatre of the
ACFNY, 11 East 52nd Street, NY, NY 10022.…

Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble at Meridian Gallery

Jack Dubowsky left and Fred Morgan right
Meridian Gallery: Composers in Performance Series Presents
VENUE: Meridian Gallery
535 Powell St, San Francisco, California 94108
Telephone: (415) 398-7229
TICKETS: $10 general, $5 students/seniors. No one
turned away for lack of funds.
BOX OFFICE: Tickets are available at the door.

The Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble, a groundbreaking new
music ensemble led by classical and film composer Jack Curtis
Dubowsky, combines acoustic instruments, electronic hardware,
composed material and structured improvisation. The Ensemble
treats analog synth as a rare and unpredictable performance
instrument. The Ensemble s contemporary electroacoustic
music, abstract, calm, spacious, free form, and transcendental,
is performed and recorded live with no overdubs or sequencing.

Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble in Berkeley

The Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble, a groundbreaking new
music ensemble led by classical and film composer Jack Curtis
Dubowsky, combines acoustic instruments, electronic hardware,
composed material and structured improvisation. The Ensemble
treats analog synth as a rare and unpredictable performance
instrument. The Ensemble’s contemporary electroacoustic
music, abstract, calm, spacious, free form, and transcendental,
is performed and recorded live with no overdubs or sequencing.

VENUE: Trinity Chapel
2320 Dana Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
One Block from UC Berkeley Campus. 15 minute walk from
Telephone: 510 549 3864
TICKETS: $12 general, $8 students/seniors/disabled
(suggested donation)
No one turned away for lack of funds.
BOX OFFICE: Tickets are available at the door.

Yiddish singing star Anthony Russell in Miami

Anthony Russell will perform in Miami on Sunday, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the first
solo concert presented by the Winter Jewish Music Concert.

Tickets for the concert are now on sale online or by calling 1-800-838-3006. General
admission for the concert is $18, and sponsor tickets are $36.

Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell was profiled this week in the Times of Israel. “If
you think you know what a Yiddish singing star looks like, think again. The new, hot
name in the world of Yiddish musical performance is Anthony Russell, and he’s a
33-year-old, 6’1’’ African-American hipster from Oakland, California,” the author
wrote. “Baptist-born and Jew by choice, opera singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi
Russell’s ‘niggunim’ have soul.” Read the rest of the article

The concert will include a variety of music—Yiddish music, music in Hebrew, and
African American spirituals.…

Los Angeles Jewish Symphony and More

Three upcoming events for folks in California are coming up with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony at the center of things. Starting next weekend is Event No. 1:

Shirat Hayam — Song of the Sea
A fundraiser for the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue.
Saturday, May 13, 2006, 8:00 PM

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue
24855 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA

An extraordinary event in our new synagogue featuring Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, Cantor
Mariana Gindlin & the MJC&S Choir in concert with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony
conducted by Dr. Noreen Green. Dessert reception to follow.

For tickets, call (310) 456-2178
General Admission $65; Sponsorship $1,800 and $1,000

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Steal a Pencil for Me and More in NY

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 7:30 p.m.

JTS will host a performance of excerpts and discussion of two important new operas: As One (music by Laura Kaminsky, libretto by Mark Campbell and Kimberly Reed), following a transgender woman’s journey to self-acceptance. The other is Steal a Pencil for Me (music by H. L. Miller Cantorial School Assistant Professor Gerald Cohen, libretto by Deborah Brevoort), the story of a real-life couple who fell in love while imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Following the performance, the two composers, Laura Kaminsky and Gerald Cohen, will discuss their operas’ creation. Cantor Nancy Abramson, director of H. L. Miller Cantorial School, will moderate the discussion.

Tickets: $10

For Tickets:

JTS is located at 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027

All students with ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…


Songs Celebrating Jewish Communities Worldwide: Gershwin, Ravel,
Sephardic Melodies, many more
Featuring Dina Kuznetsova, Rinat Shaham, Steven Goldstein, Steven Blier
and Michael Barrett
FEBRUARY 18 AND 20 2009
at 8 PM

Kaufman Center and New York Festival of Song (NYFOS,,
will present Voices of the Jewish Diaspora on Tuesday and
Thursday, February 18 and 20, 2009 at 8 PM at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman
Center. It is the third subscription concert of the New York Festival of
Song, whose CD, Spanish Love Songs, (Bridge
Records, 2008) featuring Lorraine Hunt
, Joseph Kaiser, Steven Blier and Michael Barrett was named one of the “Best of the year” by Opera News.

The program features songs in many languages celebrating the culturally
diverse Jewish communities that flourished as the tribes of Israel spread
out across the globe: Sephardic melodies arranged by Roberto Sierra;
Second Avenue specialties by Irving Berlin and Abraham Ellstein; art
songs by Ravel and Mahler; plus music by Gershwin, Bernstein, and Harold

Music Forgotten and Remembered

Location: Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center, 129 W 67th St
Tickets: $25; $15 for seniors
To order, call Naomi at 212-294-6140

Israeli-American violinist Yuval Waldman will be giving a solo recital of “Music Forgotten and Remembered” at New York’s Merkin Concert Hall on Tuesday March 29, 2011, at 8 PM. The program presents rarely performed gems composed by Eastern European Jews, many of whom perished during World War II or were silenced by Soviet repression.

Born in the Ukraine to Holocaust survivors and the Artistic Director of Music Bridges International, Waldman was able to rediscover these pieces by searching music libraries and obscure music collections in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Israel. They represent a wide spectrum of stylistic influences on Jewish composers: impressionistic, neoclassical, folk, and klezmer.…

Ocala Cantors in Concert

Ocala – The Third Annual Cantorial Concert, “On Wings of Song” presented by
Temple Beth Shalom will be held at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 11 at the Appleton
Art Museum, 4333 NE Silver Springs Blvd. in Ocala, FL

An unforgettable musical event to benefit the future programs and activities
of the temple will highlight Jewish cultural songs and contemporary musical
gems. Featured performers include Rabbi/Cantor Samuel Berman and his cantorial
colleagues Cantor Harold Orbach, Cantor David Sislen, Cantor Riselle Bain, Joy
Katzen-Guthrie, Chana Olmstead, Steve Berman
and Dale Berman.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by calling Gary Green 352.347-2481.

Preferred seating options include: “soprano” benefactor $300, 4 tickets;
“tenor” patron $150, 2 tickets; “baritone” sponsor” $75, 1 ticket.

Rabbi Samuel Berman
Temple Beth Shalom of Ocala
1109 NE 8th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34470
Phone: (352) 624-3499

Schola Cantorum on Hudson Explores Judeo-Christian Choral Music Sacred Bridge

Three mid-March Choral Concerts in Caldwell, Jersey City and Manhattan will light up a sacred bridge.
Schola Cantorum on Hudson, the critically acclaimed
30-voice choral ensemble based in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area, will perform
choral music highlighting the Judeo-Christian heritage with its 12th Ethnic
Celebration Series Concert in three venues. Entitled Sacred Bridge, this second
concert program of Schola’s season will first be performed at Caldwell College
on Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, New Jersey, on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 4
pm, reprised on Sunday, March 18, at 4 pm, at Historic Holy Rosary Church, 344
Sixth Street, between Monmouth and Brunswick Streets in Jersey City. The third
concert will be performed at St. Malachy’s Church, The Actors’ Chapel, 239
West 49th Street (between Broadway and Eighth Avenue) in New York City, Monday,
March 19 at 7:30 pm.…

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra and more at MFA

BarenboimThe Boston Jewish Film Festival and The MFA Film Program are pleased
present two special music documentaries at the MFA’s Remis Auditorium
on Sunday, June 3: Knowledge Is the Beginning at 1:30 pm and The
Ramallah Concert
at 3:45 pm. Both of these films chronicle the
formation and livelihood of The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, founded
by conductor and Pianist Daniel Barenboim and writer Edward Said as a
way of promoting peace in the Middle East through collaborative
artistic effort. Daniel Barenboim is featured as the conductor of the
orchestra in both films.

Conversation and discussion following Knowledge Is the Beginning with
Matthew Guerrieri, composer and music critic, and Amir Milstein,
flutist who co-led Bustan Abraham, a world-music ensemble of Jewish
and Arab musicians that combines Eastern and Western musical traditions.…

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…

Yuval Ron Concerts in Northern California

August 23: Berkeley, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
August 24: Berkeley Hills, CA – “Turning Heart” – Sufi poetry & music, 7:30 pm
August 25: Santa Cruz, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
Continue for more information:
Interview with Yuval Ron in Fez Morocco from CNN


Montreal, QC – KlezKanada presents a World-Class Klezmer Concert and Dance Party.
The event takes place Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 9pm at Kola Note (5240 Avenue
du Parc, Montreal).
KlezKanada, Canada’s largest organization dedicated to Yiddish/Jewish culture and
the arts, brings an evening of music and dance to Montreal’s historic Jewish
neighbourhood. KlezKanada is known for exciting events that appeal to all ages and interests. The
event is part of KlezKanada’s Winter-Session, a weekend of workshops, cabarets,
jam sessions and performances. This exciting evening features a line-up of internationally acclaimed klezmer

Doors will open at 8:30 pm, the show will commence at 9 pm. General admission tickets
$20, student tickets $10. Available at the door. For sponsorship tickets, please
call 514.993.2842. A partial tax receipt will be issued.…

The Hugo Weisgall Centennial Concert

The Hugo Weisgall Centennial Concert
Featuring Renowned
Opera Star, Soprano Lauren Flanigan, and New York Philharmonic cellist, Eric Barltett.
Sunday, November 18 at 3 PM
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC

‘The Golden Peacock”
An homage to the Yiddish speakers lost in the Holocaust

“The Stronger” (1952)
A one-act opera for soprano based on a play by Strindberg.

“Will You Marry Me?” (1989)
A one-act opera for soprano and baritone, written as a companion piece to “The Stonger,” with a libretto by Chalres Kondek, the libretist of Weisgall’s opera “Esther”

“Arioso and Burlesca” (1984)
An exciting work for cello and piano, played by Eric Bartlett, who commissioned the work from Weisgalll for his NYC recital debut.

General Admission $18
Members of ASJM, AJHS & CJH $12
Seniors and Students $9
Tickets by phone: 212.868.4444
Or, Click at Below to Purchase Tickets on the Web:

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale in NYC

On Sunday June 3rd at 7:00 pm, Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale will perform
and exciting and eclectic concert. Featured works include a David Burger setting of
Hatikvah, and Elliot Levine setting of an e.e. cummings poem, and a Yair Rosenblum setting of ‘Unetane Tokef’ in a contemporary style. The program also includes pieces
by Franz Schubert, W. A. Mozart, Salamone Rossi, Max Janowski and Matthew Lazar.

Where: Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, New York, NY 10023
Box office: 212-501-3330

When: Sunday, June 3, 7:00 pm

Tickets: $24 premium
$21 general admission
$17 seniors and students*
*Tickets available only at box office or by phone. Students must
show ID.


BORSCHT AND GRITS COMBINE when Margot leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys perform at Temple Emanuel in Reisterstown, MD, November 23rd.

“Borscht and grits never tasted so good.” That’s a critic’s comment about the magical combination of traditional Yiddish klezmer music with the foot-stompin’ rhythms of bluegrass, as performed by Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys. The internationally acclaimed quintet will present a benefit concert Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at 4 pm, at Temple Emanuel, 909 Berrymans Lane, in Reisterstown.

Playing with the band will be Steve Mandell (who lives in Pikesville), one of the two musicians who did the soundtrack for the Dueling Banjos segment in the film Deliverance. And Mike Munford, a local banjo master is also expected to attend.

Members of the audience will be able to jam with the artists toward the end of the concert, and enjoy a free wine and cheese reception afterwards.…

Klez California Events Coming Soon!

NEW: Saturday, July 20, 4:00pm, Anthony Russell presents The Sidor Belarsky Songbook. Part of JCC San Francisco’s Oneg Shabbat, 2:00-5:00pm. Similar events are taking place every Saturday, through August 24. Many activities for all ages. No charge. More info: 415.292.1286

Saturday, July 20, 7:30-10:00pm, Mama Loshn in “A Mit-Zumer Nakht Cholem,” A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dance Party. Yiddish, Ladino, and English-language music. Mama Loshn will welcome other musical guests, including Reb Irwin Keller, Laurie Le’ah Lippin, and dance leader Bruce Bierman. At Congregation Ner Shalom, Cotati. Wine and beer available for purchase. Tickets: $20 advance /$25 door. More info: 707.528.5538, .

Sunday, July 21, 6:00pm (music begins 6:30pm) Klezmer Night with Saul Goodman‘s Klezmer Band, featuring Mike Perlmutter (clarinet), Dave Rosenfeld (mandolin, violin, percussion), and Jack Hanly (poyk, mandolin).…

KlezCalifornia This March

Afternoon of Song and Dance

Nigunim Concert 3/26/11
Saturday, March 26, 4:00pm, Afternoon of Song and Dance,
presented by the Nigunim Chorus.
Nigunim Chorus performance: A tribute to singer/songwriter Debbie Friedman, and other gems in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew.
· Spring-time Sing-Along: Old favorites and a few less-familiar songs, with lyrics provided.
· Klezmer and Israeli dancing: Easy-to-follow circle and line dances led by dance leader Bruce Bierman.

· After the show, walk to Saul’s Deli for a free dessert with purchase of an entree and presentation of a ticket to the Afternoon of Song and Dance.
At JCC East Bay. Tickets: $10 at the door. Co-sponsored by KlezCalifornia. More info: 510.528.8872, mail[at],

Beyond the Pale in Berkeley and San Francisco
Beyond the Pale
Saturday, March 26, 8:00pm & Sunday, March 27, 9:00pm.…

Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008

Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008 presents
ISRAEL@60 May 21-June 1

TICKETS for all events $20 general admission, $15 seniors, $10 students
TICKETS available at
(412) 394-3353

ESTA in Concert
Wednesday, May 21 7:30pm
Byham Theater, 101 6th St.

ESTA is a unique band from Israel with an innovative and original
sound. ESTA’s music combines the aromas of world music, the power of rock, and the spirit
of jazz into a powerful, energetic new force that crosses genres, styles and
borders. Proclaimed as “Israel’s most original instrumental band”, ESTA has
toured prestigious festivals and venues throughout Europe, Israel and the
U.S., including a special performance for President Clinton at a White House
reception in honor of Israel’s 50th Anniversary.…

60th Anniversary of Israel in New York at Radio City

The official observation of the 60th Anniversary of the State of Israel’s
60th Anniversary in New York will take place at 8PM on Wednesday May 7th with a
major musical gala at Radio City Music Hall in New York. The event will feature
Reggae superstar Matisyahu, Paul Shaffer of the David Letterman Show,
composer/performer and MacArthur Genius award winner John Zorn and top Israeli
music artists Idan Raichel, Rami Kleinstein, David Broza and Habanot Nechama, with
additional performers to be announced.

The historic cultural gathering will be the largest such celebration of its kind,
and is supported by over 100 Jewish organizations including the UJA Federation of
New York, Consulate General of Israel, Jewish Community Relations Council, Dor
Chadash and other key groups representing a majority of the organized American
Jewish community.…