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Alexander Brott: My Lives in Music

By Alexander Brott and Betty Nygaard King

So many Americans are just unaware of the accomplishments and achievements of Canadians. Possibly this is more ignorance than snobbery, but sometimes it seems to be a bit of both, without good reason for either. This snobbery particularly extends, it seems, in music. Our friends in Canada continually prove themselves extremely worthy, and yet notions to the otherwise persist. Fortunately, Canadians are a patient people and their accomplishments continue to shine and speak on their behalf. One such accomplished and distinguished musician is Alexander Brott. If you haven’t heard of him, then perhaps this memoir, published on the occasion of his 90th birthday, and written with the help of Betty Nygaard King, will be an antidote.

The book is an autobiographical memoir about his life as a violinist, conductor, composer, teacher and producer.…

Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…

Mizrachi, Alberto

Alberto Mizrachi is now a world famous cantor and premiere interpreter of Jewish song. He’s often called the “Jewish Pavarotti”. He is cantor at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. He concertizes all over the world, sings in nine languages, and has appeared in most of the major venues of the world. He’s recorded with the Milken project, been on PBS, and appeared in large concert stages. I first met the cantor, (then known as Abraham Mizrachi), in Cincinnati, as a graduate student when he hired me to be a song leader in a part time job at a local temple where he was cantor. It was there he gave me a gift set of the Coopersmith books The Songs We Sing and The More Songs We Sing and said “here, learn these”.…

Talia Applebaum Flashes in the Darkness Album

Talia Applebaum Flashes in the DarknessSeveral times in the last year (or so) there have been concerts for women based on the album by Talia Applebaum Flashes in the Darkness. It deserves another look for the humour, fun, a bit of blues, a little jazz, a bit of funk, but mostly American folk. Talia is writing about the stuff of her chosen life with the Breslov Hassidmi, and the way religious devotion permeates her life, blended into ‘the everyday.’ The music gives a window into that world –that Talia obviously relishes– for the rest of us. All music and lyrics are by Talia, including blending English and Hebrew with an all female accompaniment. Occasionally the melody and words don’t quite make it, but most often they do, and music cleverly wraps into the lyric.The best piece, (or maybe better to say, the one more universally related to all Jews’ experience), is “Perservere” with arrangement and piano by Shana Friedman, which could fit into any Jewish denomination’s repertoire.…


Daniel ben Shalom has a new CD, “Contempory original musical artist from Israel combining jazz, blues, rock and more with the essence of spirituality and soul.”

Women Sing Sephard in Toronto

Judith Cohen will be in Toronto, along with her daughter Tamar singing an eclectic mix at the
Miles Nadal JCC
Sunday October 28
at 4 pm.
It’s co-sponsored by the Cultural Celebration of the Spanish Language, so they will be concentrating
on Sephardic music, with some regional Spanish songs and a surprise –
flamenco-tangos songs by Tamar. Geoff Clarfield joins the duo on oud, percussion and
flamenco rhythm guitar . Songs will include a bit of Balkan, French Canadian, Yiddish, Portuguese – but mostly Sephardic and Spanish selections.

Amaseffer “Slaves for Life” CD Release

Amaseffer, a band from Israel has release a new CD “Slaves for Life” which features everthing from rock, metal to sounds of the Middle East. The recording is part of a planned trilogy that tells the history of the Israel people. In a way, it feels a bit like a rock opera or the score to a film, but the music can’t be pinned down to one style. However, the recording is quite compelling. Considering that this reviewer is not a heavy metal fan that’s saying a lot. The album shifts mood with each scenario presented. Members of the b and are Hanan Avramovich (guitars), Yuval Kramer (Guitars), Erez Yohanan (drums, percussion and narration). Also appearing on the album are Mats Leven (lead vocals), Kobi Farhi (all eastern vocals), and Special Guest Angela Gossow.…

Chicken Soup for the Ears

Sunday January 13, 2008 & Sunday February 10, 2008 1- 4pm
Come and join the London Klezmer Collective’s second-Sunday jam at the Cross
Kings, between 1 and 4pm.

While you’re playing (don’t forget to bring a tune to share) or listening,
eat lunch, have a coffee, booze, shmooze or just relax in the deep sofas and
convivial atmosphere of this great central London pub. There might even be a
bit of dancing and singing… Out-of-towners particularly welcome!

Klezmer, the celebratory and soulful music of the Jews of eastern Europe, is
the flavour of the month. Anyone interested in playing or listening to
klezmer is welcome to come along; no experience is necessary. Join skilled
professionals, keen amateurs, home-grown talent and perhaps even some
international visitors. For more klezmer information and sheet music for
tunes we might play visit
Entry: £1 donation towards publicity costs.…

Chicken Soup for the Ears in London

Chicken Soup for the Ears –
Sunday 9 December, Sunday 13 January, Sunday 10 February, 1- 4pm

Come and join the London Klezmer Collective’s second-Sunday jam at the Cross
Kings, between 1 and 4pm.
The capital’s regular klezmer session has found a home at the Cross Kings
pub. While you’re playing or listening, eat lunch, have a coffee, booze,
shmooze or just relax in the deep sofas and convivial atmosphere of this
great central London pub. There might even be a bit of dancing and singing…
Out-of-towners particularly welcome!

Klezmer, the celebratory and soulful music of the Jews of eastern Europe, is
the flavour of the month. Anyone interested in playing or listening to
klezmer is welcome to come along; no experience is necessary. Join skilled
professionals, keen amateurs, home-grown talent and perhaps even some
international visitors.…

BAM BAM BAM Krakauer Clarinet on Golijov

On Saturday, March 10, 8p.m., David Krakauer will be performing Osvaldo Golijov’s “The Dreams and
Prayers of Isaac the Blind” at BAM with the Brooklyn Philharmonic. It’s the world premiere of the newly orchestrated version of this music, so there will be quite a bit of excitement. The program is called “Bridge to the Beyond” as part of the Steinhardt Jewish Heritage Festival at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music).
at the Howard Gilman Opera House.
Peter J Sharp Building.
Brooklyn Academy of Music
30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
For all the details, go to the Brooklyn Philharmonic website:


From ShoreFire Media:
When you think of New York City’s Harlem, you may think of James Brown at the
Apollo, Duke Ellington at the Savoy or Bill Clinton’s offices on 125th Street. But
did you know that Harlem was also home to large numbers of Eastern European Jews in
the early 20th century? Some of the grandest brownstones in the Mount Morris Park
neighborhood were Jewish family homes.

Grammy-winning producer Aaron Levinson pays homage to the vibrant history of Harlem
in ‘The Harlem Experiment’, to be released by Ropeadope Records October 30th.
Featuring musicians such as clarinetist Don Byron of the Grammy-awarded Klezmatics,
trombonist Steve Bernstein and many other notable jazz musicians, it showcases
Harlem as melting pot and offers a unique version of the Yiddish folk song “Bei Mir
Bist Du Schoen,” with a soaring solo by Byron.…

Chicken Soup for the Ears?

Come and join the London Klezmer Collective’s monthly second-Sunday jam at the Cross
Kings. Next session: Sunday 11 November between 1 and 4pm. Out-of-towners
particularly welcome!

The capital’s first regular klezmer session has found a home: the Cross Kings.
While you’re playing or listening, eat lunch, have a coffee, booze, shmooze or just
relax in the deep sofas and convivial atmosphere of this great central London pub.
There might even be a bit of dancing… The Cross Kings is at 126 York Way, London N1
0AX, a 10-minute walk from Kings Cross station with local parking. Visit for details.


“KlezmerQuerque” – The southwest’s annual festival of klezmer music & dance
celebrates its 9th year February 18-20 (Presidents day weekend).

KlezmerQuerque 2011 is coming!! The 9th annual celebration of Klezmer music & dance
will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 18-20 (FRI-SUN). The
festival is co-produced by Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Nahalat Shalom’s 25-piece
Community Klezmer band & Rikud Yiddish dance troupe. All KlezmerQuerque events will
take place at Nahalat Shalom, 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW in Albuquerque (between
Candelaria & Griegos on Rio Grande).

KlezKanada has Started, So I’m on Vacation

9:15pm JMWC KlezKanada Blog here. Departing from the usual announcements, JMWC is creating a week of blogging from the wonderful and beautiful setting of KlezKanada, where I’m on vacation this week. Amazingly, they have internet connection this year, so I thought those who wish could can read what I’m doing on my summer vacation for a change.

Lucky me, my husaband and I are here at KlezKanada, –Leaving Boston…traveling through New Hampshire, Vermont and the Canadian border… where it was a relief that the holdup was not too long… on through the Montreal traffic, through the Laurentians and here at Camp B’nai B’rith. KlezKanada is getting an early start this evening with a cabaret starting right off the bat –candlelit checkered tablecloths, the whole thing–with some young singers… , “Papiroisson” is being sung with Michael Winograd accompanying Rena Herman, –who has a nice voice is setting a great mood for the crowd.…

Hard Rockin’ Hamentashen, KFAR Jewish Arts Center’s Purim

Purim is the Jewish Mardi Gras, where people get decked out in costumes, throw parties and get absolutely smashed. And while you won’t find people flashing for beads on this holiday (Orthodox Girls Gone Wild! Show us your ELBOWS!), traditional celebrations take literally the instruction to celebrate until one can’t tell the difference between Mordechai, the hero of the Purim story, and evil Haman.

Two Jewish rock bands, the Ari Ben Moses Band and The Moshe Skier Band and will be presented at Subterranean, a well-known, three story Wicker Park lounge and music venue.
9pm – 1am Saturday March 26th
Subterranean, 2011 W. North Ave.
$12 in advance ( $15 at the door
more info at
call 773.550.1543 or email

Zemel Choir in Celebration with Song

The ‘Celebration with Song’
event will be held on the 31 May and concluding in a concert on the
evening of 14 June 2009 at St John’s Smith Square London SW1.
This is the third year Zemel is participating, and the chorus is planning something a little bit different.
Their concert will be celebrating the output of Jewish music from a single country, the United
States of America. On the first date Zemel will be running a guest workshop
focusing on voice technique and other aspects of choral singing. This year
Zemel’s guest workshop leader will be the BBC’s Suzi Digby an experienced voice coach and conductor and well known to television audiences from her appearances on ‘Last Choir Standing’ and the
BBC’s ‘Choir of the Year’.…

Open Mic Night in Jerusalem

Sunday, February 20 · 7:30pm – 10:00pm
Location Har Nof
Ruzhin 35 (Nisim 1) Apartment 20 (7th floor)
Jerusalem, Israel

More Info The long awaited return of the J’Town Jam has finally come!
Kol Meodecha is hosting an open mic night and we can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!

Doors open at 7:30 PM
Get there early to get the slot you want!

take any bus to Har Nof (15, 60, 2, 33) or take a bus to the masof (74, 75, 67, 29) and transfer to the 15, 60, 2, or 33. Ask the bus driver for the first stop on Chai Taib. Cross the street and go back a bit and up a set of stairs that lead you to a path.…

Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

Achishena, Tziona

Tziona Achishena Closeup

American-born Israeli. Tziona Achishena provided this autobiographical sketch: “Tziona’s Achishena’s rich and soulful voice weaves its way through her new disc, “Miriam’s Drum”, created in collaboration with percussionist Shani Ben Canar. The album features original melodies to ancient Hebrew prayers “received” through her intuitive musicianship, and enlivened by world class percussion, transcendent harmonies, and inspired vocal improvisation. The album’s release marks the culmination of years of musical and spiritual searching. Interestingly, this process began, not through music training, but through dance. From early childhood to her first years in college at Berkeley, Tziona spent much of her time in the dance studio, studying all the major western dance forms from Ballet to Modern dance. At home, however, she was singing; and experiencing through her voice the beginnings of a sense of the revelation of soul.…

On Top of Old Dreidel… or Dreidl Dreidl Dreidl

Here we see a combo medley of the Gelbart song “Dreidl, Dreidl, Dreidl” mixed with the tune of “On Top of Old Smokey”. With text. (And a bit of “On top of Spaghetti, mixed in for,… well, fun,… and selling stuff to kids).

The Full English is now Online

Well, it’s not Jewish music, but I imagine a lot of musicians out there will be interested in this bit of library and archive news…. This is from history bibliography discussion group…. and I’ve taken a look… it is astounding what is now available online.

‘Staggering’ digital folk music archive launched (M. Chilton, The
, June 21, 2013)

The Full English, an online folk music archive of 44,000 records and over
58,000 digitized images, was launched at the English Folk Dance and Song

Read more at:

The Full English is at:

You can follow their blog at

Steal a Pencil for Me and More in NY

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 7:30 p.m.

JTS will host a performance of excerpts and discussion of two important new operas: As One (music by Laura Kaminsky, libretto by Mark Campbell and Kimberly Reed), following a transgender woman’s journey to self-acceptance. The other is Steal a Pencil for Me (music by H. L. Miller Cantorial School Assistant Professor Gerald Cohen, libretto by Deborah Brevoort), the story of a real-life couple who fell in love while imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Following the performance, the two composers, Laura Kaminsky and Gerald Cohen, will discuss their operas’ creation. Cantor Nancy Abramson, director of H. L. Miller Cantorial School, will moderate the discussion.

Tickets: $10

For Tickets:

JTS is located at 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027

All students with ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Old Country

Steve Newman sent in his CD labeled ‘Old Country’. He’s a British Jewish guy, but living in Manhattan and writing songs for pubs in the Big Apple. Hmm, A bit odd and quirky but some good tunes too. Available on CD Baby.